NBC's hit music television show The Voice is finally hosting auditions around the country looking for new talent that will be showcased on television, airing fall 2012. It seems like many undiscovered artists are finding new found fame and success from nationwide opportunities such as programs from The Voice, Americas Got Talent, American Idol and a slew of other music talent shows that have been taking over late night television by storm.
Since its very difficult breaking into the music industry independently, gathering the courage to audition for The Voice may not be a bad idea. If you know you have the talent and are having a hard time getting yourself out there, then choosing to audition is the way to go! these days any opportunity an artist gets should be taken advantage of. No opportunity is too big or too small, if the talent and image is there then go for it!
For more information about The voice auditions please visit the website to learn about qualifications and how you can become the next voice America will be begging to hear every night!
The Voice production team wants to hear you! audition at the following locations.
New York: July 21/ 22
Memphis, TN: July 7th
Minneapolis: July 14th
Dallas, TX: July 28/29
Los Angeles, CA: August 11/12
If you are unable to attend and open call audition The Voice also makes it easier for applicants to audition via online. For more info on online auditioning please visit the following link http://www.nbc.com/the-voice/audition-online/?__source=voice|home|rightcolumn
2012. The Voice. Official casting cite. Retrieved from http://www.nbcthevoice.com/. July 22, 2012.
2012. The Voice. Online casting cite. Retrieved from http://www.nbc.com/the-voice/audition-online/?__source=voice|home|rightcolumn. July 22, 2012.
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