Ask an
y established artist how easy was it for them to break into the music industry, I can almost guarantee that the answer would be it took good music, excellent management with a dash of blood, sweat, and tears. Now, if you ask the same question to a female artist she would answer all of the above and then some. New artists that are female have to live a double standard when pursuing a music career especially in the genre of hip hop, women cannot just be talented but they also need to be visually pleasing to the viewers eye, typically in an over sexualized manner. In the hip hop community sex sells and unfortunately for some artist that are not visually and sexually appealing to the eye, have little chance attaining success.

For instance, freshman class new comer rapper Iggy Azalea has a good flow but I'm not too sure if crediting her success is due to her rapping skills, the 21 year old's image is reminiscent to white barbie with a voluptuous body, don't get me wrong she is good but her visual package is what sells her, it reels in the viewers because she is hot! on the contrary, independent artist Snow Tha Product has a flow that can compete with Nicki Minaj, she is that good with her skills but in order for her to get any serious offers by labels she is going to need to revamp her image or create a story behind her music that is interesting enough to gain more of a following. In my opinion Snow can give Iggy a run for her money but because of the double standard in the industry it is likely that Iggy will remain the dominant player because of her well developed image.
Only time will prove if listeners will begin to remotely care about the talent rather than the look but during a tumultuous time in the music indusry execs more than likely will choose half the skills for the full image deciding business over talent.
Check out below videos of rappers Snow and Iggy doing their thing!
Snow is by far a superior artist and comes from real American Streets. America forgot what the art of hip hop really us. It's about the lyrics! Wake up America!