The range and depth of success for many artists in the industry does not solely rely on artist talent, one major factor of success heavily depends on artist management. The management team transforms an artist music into a small business that is comprised of imperative components that will make or break an artist. Services artists need within their team include Public Relations specialists, Marketing, Artist Development and distribution just to name a few. So, with that said, how good is your management? If you are an artist that is talented beyond measure but lack the team that makes your music a marketable entity, then it is in your best interest to become affiliated with persons well versed in the area.
Artist that we hear on radio and see on television everyday have management teams dedicated to the marketable promotions of an artist. for instance, new R&B artist Elle Varner is backed by a management team named MBK Entertainment. The company provides a variety of services for their roster of talent which include famous singers such as Alicia Keys and Tyrese. Main functions that MBK provide for them are business to business activities that helps the advancement and development of an artist. MBK states "We are a multimedia company with many facets including its music division which embraces all genres of music from R&B to rap to pop, a film division, and a concert promotions division. As a young company, everyday we are expanding and broadening our horizons to give you, the consumer and potential new artist, some of the best quality entertainment in the industry today." (2011 MBK)
Another company that offers management services is called Red Entertainment, the company offers booking opportunities for established artists and new artists that need the extra promotional help to jump start their career, or to simply help established artists remain in the public eye.
MBK Entertainment. 2011. About us. Retrieved from November 12, 2011.
Red Entertainment. 2011.Home. Retrieved from November 12, 2011.